Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a project last on average?
On average we need 5 working days for a website.
Marketing campaigns, on the other hand, stretch over several months.
Can I make a difference even with a small budget?
Yes, we offer you what you need at exactly the right price, even on a small wallet.
Can I keep my domain?
You can keep your domain. We only need access to your domain provider to redirect the DNS settings to your newly created website.
Is there all-round care?
Yes, we offer you all-round support in 3 different packages. You have the choice between First, Business & Hon Member. Let us advise you free of charge!
Do you have questions? Feel free to contact us
Our creed
Working with us is fun! We love what we do and our customers feel it! The passion for digital media is noticeable in every one of our fibres, which means full throttle and best performance for you as a customer as a result.
We find solutions, not problems. We see ourselves as a partner but also as a full-blooded service provider with the goal of the complete satisfaction of our customers. In doing so, we don't just carry out bluntly, we are also constantly available as consultants with our experience and conduct open and goal-oriented communication with our clients.
WE LOVE - 24/7 - 365 days
For 2 years now we can proudly claim to be able to offer a real 24/7 service. Only the best for our customers! Where large corporations often reach their limits, we see ourselves as a dynamic company with a clear advantage and can offer you constant availability.